Here is all the latest site updates info and any other items we deem to be
of interest here at Mix N Mojo.
Latest News
31/07/2017 - 06/08/2017
- Evil Chopsticks Updated
The Evil Chopsticks website,
which is about my current band, has just been overhauled to make it easier to update. You may notice it shares a similar
design theme to this website. It has more funky 80's & 90's style page headings though.
There is also a link to it in the Band pages section of Mixnmojo.
01/10/2013 - 31/10/2013
- Teen Movie Section Updated
The Teen Movie section
of Mixnmojo has been updated. Dean Man On Campus has been updated slightly and had some errors (both factual and spelling) corrected.
Later in the month will be the first new film added to it in about 6 years - Valley Girl.
- New Band Page
- I have started up a new music/media project called Evil Chopsticks.
It has it's own seperate website and can be accessed through the Band pages section
of Mixnmojo.
Old News of Note
- 22/12/03 I'm in Kerrang! again kinda
- There are 3 new pics of Pandora taken from the Christmas Kerrang in Pandora's Box - Gallery 6.
Another pic (shown below)features Mix N Mojo's web address scrawled on a wall. Thanks to Ray Zell once again for brightening my day!
- The Anti-l33t League
- There is a brand new comic strip The Anti-l33t League
and it's not another crappily drawn one by me. Someone else is now contributing to the site!
The ever wonderful Zero_Butterfly. w00t!
- I'm in Kerrang! kinda
- There are 2 new pics of Pandora taken from this weeks Kerrang in Pandora's Box - Gallery 4.
One of them features Pandora holding a mug with this site's Mix N Mojo name/logo on it! Wooo! Recognition = big grin for me.
- 8/09/03 - Dave Speaks!
- Dave of 17 Harrow Road and Dave's Hat fame has spoken.
After viewing the site he either thinks it is so wonderful he feel he needs a more active involvement in it or he feels it is a festering zombie filled work of unholy lameness that only he with his
god-like wit and sarcasm can hope to save. Either way his letter is printed in its entirety along with some unrelated photos of the man himself.
- 16/05/01 - A New Name & A New Home
- Well we begin life here at a new address and under a new name. Hopefully we
will have a happy (and fingers crossed, problem free) life here at Tripod. The main reason being at the old site I was unable to upload pics and even saving text became a hassle. Other users had had the same problem plus the site kept going down so as it gives the impression the whole site may stay down permanently at some point soon so I jumped ship, like the rat I am. Actually I pulled a Murdock and escaped by leaving a dummy in my place as the old Snoogins site is still there. As for the name change, I just felt like it. I think the new one is better and more in keeping with the site.
Snoogins is Dead. Long Live Mix N Mojo