Welcome to the Kitchen. This is just one view of it but infinitely the most interesting. Here we can see a doorway which leads through to the bathroom, Then we have the Fridge and Freezer. Known affectionately as Fred and Freda respectively. Next along is the trusty oven/hob/grill. Then we come to the most important surface/top in the kitchen. The one with the Kettle and (of course) Zanzibar the coffee maker!
Here is the top view of the kitchen. To see this view you would be standing with your right shoulder next to the fridge. The door on the left goes through to the stairs + back door and the lounge (and in deed the rest of the house). The door on the right is the door that leads through to the bathroom. In the middle we have a handy table which can be folded down and under it the waste bin (unusually empty!). Above the board however is "Lewis' board of weird stuff". None may put anything up there or touch anything on it except for Lewis himself.
Okay so this isn't exactly the thrill ride you thought it might be when you followed the link here. Get over it. It's just a kitchen. What were you expecting?